The Social and Intergroup Perceptions (SIP) Lab seeks to to understand a variety of intergroup processes and issues.
Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
Stereotypes and prejudice are negative beliefs people hold about others, either knowingly or unknowingly. In the SIP lab, we study how factors like skin color influence views on crime and how different groups perceive stereotypes about immigrants and their effects.
Ideological Polarization and Prejudice
Our world is becoming more polarized ideologically. However, those on the ideological left and right direct their prejudice to different groups in society. Although we know a lot about conservative prejudice, less attention is paid to liberal prejudices. In the SIP Lab, we examine prejudice across the ideological spectrum and identify common underlying motives.
Morality and Justice
Morality is the study of what is considered right and wrong in a given context and culture. In the SIP lab, we explore just how important context is for determining moral decisions.
Values, Worldviews, and Political Policy Attitudes
People frequently judge how well systems are working, as shown in popular culture, like the "Make America Great Again" slogan, which suggests that America needs improvement. In the SIP Lab, we explore when individuals decide to support, criticize, or adjust various systems and how these views can influence their choices later on.
Identity and Intersectionality
Identities do not exist in isolation. They occur in a multitude of social, intergroup contexts--and often, together. Different identities may even clash within the same social setting. In the SIP Lab, we investigate how people's identities influence their interactions with other group members and outsiders from the group. We also investigate how different identities influence and relate to our other areas of research
Community Engaged Research
​In SIP lab, we work with groups and communities to do participatory research centering the voices of community members. This research includes evaluation and interventions.
Psychology of Extermism
In recent years, there has been an increase in authoritarian governments and groups that promote white supremacy and nationalism. Some members of white communities also feel left out or ignored in society. In the SIP lab, we study the psychology behind these trends. how they relate to other issues, and what impact they have on our world.
System Perception and Status
People frequently judge how well systems are working, as shown in popular culture, like the "Make America Great Again" slogan, which suggests that America needs improvement. In the SIP Lab, we explore when individuals decide to support, criticize, or adjust various systems and how these views can influence their choices later on.